Increasing the customer loyalty with EV charging

May 24, 2022

The secret of business growth and, of course, of profit lies not only in attracting new customers. It is also important to retain current users loyal to the brand.
Data: Trustmary Group study based on KPMG data, 2020 sample: top 100 US retailers
Of course, this distribution is typical not only for retail, but also for any other B2C businesses: people want to trust brands.

Trust in the company generates loyalty. This means that the customer will choose a specific brand, even if other brands have a lower price, all other things being equal. The Northwestern University Retail Management Center conducted a study that showed that loyal customers make up less than 30% of the total, but bring about 70% of revenue because they start buying more often and spending more. It looks like this:
Data: 2021 Super Office survey, sample: 1,920 business professionals
Loyalty makes your satisfied customers brand agents who buy from you again and also recommend others to do the same. Increasing customer loyalty increases their retention, and retention leads to profit growth. So how to improve loyalty indicators?
Time is everything

Have you ever wondered what makes people go to the same store, visit the same bars and restaurants for many years? What is behind it: motive or emotion? Or maybe it's just a habit?

Often there is a rational grain in such a decision. In the case of shops, restaurants and bars, the assortment or price can play a decisive role: there is a sauce in the store that is not sold anywhere else, in the restaurant — a favorite dish, in the bar — inexpensive sets.

In our dynamic world, another factor comes to the fore — customer time, which businesses simply need to take care of. In addition to quick service, there are many more important components. This includes the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles, which gives customers the opportunity not just to save time, but to use it more efficiently.
How do charging stations help to save time?

Any owner of an electric car knows that charging takes quite a long time. For example, the Nissan Leaf, which is widely used on the market with an average mileage of 48 km / day, requires about 2 hours of daily charging when using an ACcharging station. Of course, it will take much longer to fully charge.

At the same time, on average, people spend from 25 to 40 minutes going to the store and spend at least 1 hour on the road to and from work.

Taking into account all the household worries, the usual daily routine of the average working men looks like this:
Just imagine, only 2.5 hours of rest per day, but the owner of an electric car has to take into account, in his daily routine, also the time to charge it.
As a result - of 25 minutes of free time, but people still want to spend time with family and friends, play sports, watch movies, read books and just relax. At the same time, residents of such large cities have even more difficulties, because of the eternal traffic jams, the road from home to work and back can take them up to 3 hours. There is not enough free time, and in order to do everything, you have to sacrifice sleep.
Balance between saving time and money

What's the way out? Of course, it is possible to use fast DC stations for charging, but there are several problems. In addition to the fact that the charging session is significantly more expensive, it also harms the battery of the vehicle:
This means that with the daily use of a fast DC charging station, the battery life will be significantly reduced. That is why all over the world owners of electric vehicles prefer to use such stations only in emergency cases.

However, there is another way: these 2 hours of charging can simply be combined with a trip to the store, restaurant or with a lunch break. Such an opportunity can be given by businesses — those supermarkets and restaurants. It is enough to install a public AC charging station nearby — and now customers already have a chance to use time more rationally: the vehicle will be charged while the owner makes purchases, has lunch, picks up a child from kindergarten or school, is at a doctor's appointment or at a business meeting.

At the same time, the installation of a "slow" AC charging station is also more profitable for business:
The cost of a “fast” charging station is 10 times higher than the cost of an AC charging station. The power is also higher, but only 2-3 times.

When installing a fast station, both sides have to sacrifice something: the business increases costs, trying to take care of the customer's time, which, in turn, risks the safety of the vehicle battery.

The placement of an alternating current station allows the business to take care of the client's time without unnecessary costs. This is how loyalty is formed.
Obviously, taking into account the increase in customer traffic, achieving a return on investment will not take long to wait. Thus, there are several ways to achieve customer loyalty and taking care of time is just one of them.